Thursday, 24 January 2008

About Muscle & Fitness

When it comes to muscle tone; use it or lose it is the name of the game, particularly as you get older. Until the age of 25, life’s a breeze (in fitness terms at least) and strength and endurance improve naturally. Sadly it tends to be down hill from there. The ageing process itself will contribute to a decline in general fitness and lifestyles tend to become more sedentary as we age, which doesn’t help. Muscle strength and power also tend to decrease with age. This is due to a variety of factors, particularly muscle wastage caused by a lack of use. Just as a muscle grows in response to strength training (workout using dumb bells, bar bells & machines) it will become sagging if it is not trained (sag in his or her arms, esp. the body of those prone to cellulite piles fat on the thighs and hips, giving them an orange-peel look...etc. ). When we are young we tend to get away with it; As we age we don’t. Learning how to exercise properly and then developing the physical strength, flexibility, agility & habit to perform it well is a priceless gift that you give yourself when you work out regularly.

Bear in mind that the heart is a muscle too and although there is no weight machine for the heart, we use cardio equipment such as treadmill or just running & jogging outdoor. This helps to create a leaner body which in turn decreases the risk of heart disease. The bottom line here is that regular strength training will enhance the quality of your life as you get older, so lay the foundations of good health as young as you can. Actually resistance or strength training can have a longer lasting impact on metabolic rate than aerobic workout. I read somewhere in a magazine that regular weight training boosts BMR (basal metabolic rate) by about 20%, which means that for every extra pound of muscle you put on, your body uses around 50 extra calories a day. (BMR is the rate at which the body uses energy while at rest to keep vital functions going,such as breathing & keeping warm).

Strength training produces a 'soothing' biochemical change in the brain in such a way that it also helps to mitigate depression as what anti-depressant medications would normally do. One of the key drivers of muscle growth is the Testosterone hormone. Levels of testosterone vary from person to person but as a rule women cannot produce anywhere near as much testosterone as men and therefore it is much harder for females to gain muscle mass when strength or weight training. Just as well really, because most women don’t want to gain muscle anyway. It all goes back to hunting and gathering versus nest building. So in one of those handy quirks of nature, we have a win:win situation. Men who work out with weights get to build bigger biceps, triceps, back, chest etc. while women get to shape and tone what they’ve already got. Can’t say fairer than that can you.

***shoulder press***

***bicep curl***

***chest press***


Izwan said...

I gather you must be a fitness conscious person, being a regular gym-goer and all, and this entry kinda confirms it. Good for you my man. I am myself in a middle of a quest to gain fitness and lose wait. Wish me luck..

The template look uncannily familiar. For an instant I thought I was back in my own blog. I guess great minds think alike...


elara said...

Hi Izwan,
Well, I am a fitness freak to say the least. Sorry if I sound like bragging but i need my workout every week (twice a week at least) otherwise I would feel miserable. Probably because I have conditioned my mind & body to be so. The common perception of strength training is that those who indulge in it will turn into an Incredible Hulk or Green Giant. Of course you see Hulk look-alike in supermarkets, on the bus every day etc. However most people just want to have a more balanced approach to strength training so as to have better muscle tone for health reasons,and improve body definition just to look good. In addition, regular training will strengthen tendons and ligaments and thus protect your joints and decrease the likelihood of injury from other activities. Stronger and more resilient muscles also improve our balance, which means more comfortable daily living and fewer accidents.

D said...

You are absolutely right there - spot on! One of the best ways of maintaining fitness is this and my late MrD was one who did just that. We have our mini-gym at home. Of course, I sometimes gym in the dreams only!! Ahaks.. (dying to do some serious exercising but have to wait till March)

Keep up the good work!

elara said...

Wow! In that case your late hubby already created the right environment for you to exercise at home then. Great minds think alike *giggle* quoting Izwan above. Anyway, take your time. This is something that must come from within to motivate oneself. Come march? emmm wonder why but I won't insist anyway.

HCI said...


When I was before 40, I worried of the aging look. After 40, in fact in few years time, 50, I am enjoying myself without the worries.

It is kind of amusing cos, whenever a new master student from outside the U, came to my institution, they will ask; "Kak master tahun apa ya?"

He he he, jawabnya "akak buat psy, bukan master." Then dia orang tanya lagi bila nak ambil master.

Dalam hati, "Akak dah menopause!"

elara said...

Doc Has,

Goes to show that you look younger than your age; Another benefit of exercise. Friends and students in Gombak used to think that I am in my 30s whereas, in actual fact, I am in my early 40s..ahaks

Pak Zawi said...

This really motivates me to begin excercising again. Thanks to you.

Makcik Runner said...

i've heard so much about strength training ni, even oprah says it all the time. problem is, am too shy to go to the gym and i'll look stoopid!

Max J. Potter said...

fitness. hm. wordgames are my extreme sports. i guess i cant say much. hehe.

elara said...

Brader zawi,
You're welcome. I'm glad you feel that way.

In the beginning one cannot help being self-conscious but after sometime one would realize that most ppl in gym just wanna do their workout and get it over with. Of course, there is a few exceptions but in case one wanna have some privacy, one could turn up in the morning after rush hours,these are housewives' choice of time.

hanna j. potter,
I think wordgames like crossword puzzles are exercise for the brain

Lea said...

how did u first attracted to the gym workout ?

elara said...

through a few frens & the need to keep fit. Thanks for asking.

Makcik Runner said...

man, u've been hibernating too long. spring is almost here. time to resurface lorr....LOL!

by the way, there's a reason why i'm here too. u've been tagged ok?

HH said...

Hahah... tell me something new!

I'm out of shape since I sat down for this writing phase (plus editing). Time to get back in shape...

Syaliza Abdul Rahman said...

lately u've been quiet. hope everything's fine over there.

gym huh? my doc has been nagging me to go to the gym n get tone up. i keep saying that i will & reading this entry ... i definitely will start ... next week hehehe

seriously, i will. i need to lose more weight!

take care, elara. hope to see another entry soon :o)

elara said...

will do, only time will tell.

Glad to hear that you are done with writing. Best of luck in your viva voce.

Thanks. I'm fine here. No worries. It's just that ups and downs are part and parcel of life.